What are the names of Jesus?

Jan 27 / Evan Lee

What are the names of Jesus?

Jesus is known by many names and titles, each reflecting different aspects of his identity and mission. Here are some of the most commonly used names and titles of Jesus:
  1. Christ/Messiah - Respectively a Greek and Hebrew title both meaning “Anointed One”, signifying Jesus as the chosen one of God sent to save humanity.
  2. Son of God - Referring to Jesus' unique relationship with God the Father.
  3. Son of Man - A title that emphasizes Jesus' humanity and his role in God's plan of salvation.
  4. Lord - A title recognizing Jesus' divine authority and kingship.
  5. Savior - Signifying Jesus' role in saving humanity from sin and eternal separation from God.
  6. Redeemer - Emphasizing Jesus' mission to redeem mankind through his sacrifice.
  7. Immanuel - Meaning "God with us," indicating the incarnation of God in Jesus.
  8. Lamb of God - Referring to Jesus as the sacrificial lamb who takes away the sin of the world.
  9. Good Shepherd - Depicting Jesus as the one who cares for and guides his followers.
  10. Prince of Peace - A title from the prophecy in Isaiah, signifying Jesus as the bringer of peace.
  11. The Word (Logos) - A reference to Jesus in the Gospel of John, highlighting his divine nature and role in creation.
  12. Alpha and Omega - The beginning and the end, indicating Jesus' eternal nature.

What does the name of Jesus mean?

The most popular and widely recognized name for Jesus is "Jesus Christ" and is used globally in Christian tradition. 
The name Jesus comes from the Hebrew name Yeshua (or Joshua in English), which means "Yahweh is salvation" or "The Lord saves."

In the Hebrew Bible
, YHWH is the name of God, and salvation refers to the act of being saved or delivered, particularly from sin and spiritual death.
In Christianity, this name reflects Jesus' role as the Savior, who offers salvation and eternal life to all who believe in him through his life, death, and resurrection. Learn more about who Jesus is by enrolling in our free online Identity course. At Advance the Faith Academy we mentor disciples of Jesus Christ through our program which includes many Christian core concepts and fundamentals for following Jesus. 
Meet the blogger

Evan Lee

Evan is a digital marketing agency owner who partners with Churches and Christian organizations to help spread the good news of Jesus Christ through digital marketing. Evan has 10+ years of digital marketing experience and utilizes high performance based marketing tactics to grow businesses of all sizes. He was raised in Naples, Florida in a Christian household growing up. He has been on many mission trips all across Europe and Mexico and he also speaks as an adjunct digital marketing professor at Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama.
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